Tashi Tshomo
Junior Lecturer
Tashi Tshomo is a Faculty of Law and Project Officer at the Climate Change & Environmental Law Centre (CCELC) at Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law. She is actively involved in research, policy analysis, and academic initiatives focused on environmental law and climate governance. Tashi has participated in global climate discussions, including COP-29, and has organized forums and workshops on climate change and environmental issues. She has a strong passion for legal advocacy and has been recognized for her excellence in oral advocacy at the Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition.
Areas of Interest
• International Law
• Climate Change and Environmental Laws
• Human Dignity and Human Rights
• Sustainable Development Law
• Legal Writing and Oral Advocacy training
• Ecocentric Approach to Environmental Protection in Bhutan: Interdependence at the Core of Legal Frameworks – JSW Law Student Journal, Vol. 2 (2023)
• Tashi Commercial Corporation vs. Thimphu Thromde: Prospects of Interpretation in a Real Estate Dispute Involving Both Private and Public Parties (Co-authored) – JSW Law Student Journal, Vol. 1 (2022)
• Oral Advocacy
• Legal Writing
Education History
• LLB, Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law, Bhutan (2024)
• PGDNL, Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law, Bhutan (2024)
• Graduate Summer School Program in Climate Change & Environmental Law (2024)