Law for ClimateTech : Advancing Innovative Solutions to Climate Challenges
POSTED ON - Dec 20th, 2023
JSW Law’s Climate Change and Environmental Law Centre invites you to participate in the Regional Essay Writing COMPETITION on : “Law for ClimateTech : Advancing Innovative Solutions to Climate Challenges.”
The competition is open to students pursuing BA,LLB/LLB, Master of Legal Studies, or Climate Change Studies at any university or law school located in South and Southeast Asia (Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal, Maldives, Cambodia, India and Thailand, Timor-Leste and Pakistan) irrespective of your citizenship.

Law for ClimateTech : Advancing Innovative Solutions to Climate Challenges

Basic Guidelines
The essay should be between 3000 – 3500 words, written in English, and must follow the OSCOLA referencing style. Click here to view the Guidelines
The deadline for the submission is 30 January 2024, Submissions received after 5PM (Bhutan Standard Time) will not be considered.
Cash prize worth Nu. 70,000 ( Equivalent to USD 850).
The Winner will be announced on 21 February 2024.
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