New Registrar and Assistant Dean for Student Services joins office
POSTED ON - Apr 11th, 2023
11 April 2023, corresponding to the 20th Day of the 2nd Bhutanese Lunar month, JSW Law welcomed Dr Tenzin Wangchuk as the Registrar and Mr Nima Tshering as the Assistant Dean for Student Services. A simple Tendrel was organised to welcome them to JSW Law family.

From the left : Mr. Nima Tshering, Dean Sangay Dorjee, Dr. Tenzin Wangchuk
Prior to joining JSW Law, Dr Tenzin was the Dean for Academic Affairs at Sherubtse College, Kanglung, while Mr Nima worked at NKN Ventures and GoldOm Creatives in Thimphu.
JSW Law family would like to offer our prayers and best wishes for very fulfilling tenures at JSW Law. Tashi Delek!