National Dialogue on Tax Justice, Improved Compliance, and a Renewed Social Contract for the SDGs
POSTED ON - May 13th, 2024
In collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bhutan UNDP Bhutan, the Research Center successfully hosted the inaugural “National Dialogue on Tax Justice, Improved Compliance, and a Renewed Social Contract for the SDGs.

The dialogue featured a panel discussion among the speakers, followed by a question and answer session. The discussion centered around the importance of tax and fiscal policies in financing development, encouraging sustainable growth strategies, and achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 SDGs and 169 targets.
The dialogue also highlighted the current global challenges that have sparked a rethinking of the tax system, including the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) and the UN General Assembly resolution on “Promotion of Inclusive and Effective Tax Cooperation at the United Nations” (A/RES/78/230).
The primary objectives of the National Dialogue were to underscore the significance of tax for SDGs, encourage collaboration, and facilitate knowledge exchange among stakeholders. It sought to generate discussions to enhance Bhutan’s approach to resource mobilization for sustainable development, promote social justice, enhance compliance, and establish a renewed social contract for the SDGs. This initiative reflects the JSW Law’s dedication to fostering discussions on crucial issues impacting sustainable development locally and globally.
The event was attended by Mr. Mohammad Younus, Resident Representative, UNDP Bhutan; Paro Dzongdag, Drangpon, staff and students of JSW Law, as well as officials from the Paro Dzongkhag Administration, Paro District Court, Department of Revenue and Customs, Regional Revenue and Customs Office, and Paro College of Education.

A special lecture series on Tax and SDGs, organized by the Research Center for the students and faculty on the Tax and SDGs. Mr. Sudarshan, a Regional Program Specialist at UNDP, and Ms. Lyla, a Technical Expert at UNDP, facilitated the session.